Baby Tian You Updates

Tian You is an orphan baby from China that was born with a severe congenital deformity called Bladder Exstrophy and Imperforate Anus. He was also born with one kidney. He is cared for by Blue Sky Healing Home, a medical foster home for orphans in Beijing, and has had multiple surgeries in Singapore to repair his deformity. Tian You is in need of more surgery. For more information, please email :

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tian You doing very well!

After a detailed check up in Shanghai in December, we are happy to announce that Tian You does not have any more reflux to his kidney. He's active, playful, and extremely charming. At our Christmas party, he was quite a little star during the kids demonstration of how many chinese characters they can recognise. And after each word he shouted out, he grinned at the applause and shouts of "yay!", "wow" from the audience.